No Surgery & No Fillers
Traditionally the only way to noticeably correct loose skin, wrinkles, volume loss and irregularities in neck and jaw contour was to have a face and/or neck lift.
We’re excited to be one of the few clinics in Canada to offer you a way to achieve face lift-like results without the need for major surgery.
Introducing Profound® RF
The only device on the market clinically proven to:
- Produce results equal to 35% of a traditional facelift without surgery
- Achieve 100% patient response rate
- Recreate the fundamental building blocks of skin; elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid
- Dramatically improve wrinkles, skin laxity and unfavourable facial contours
How it Works
All Profound RF® treatments are done in the office by one of our plastic surgeons using local anaesthetic.
The Profound RF® machine uses a specialized laser head with 10 micro-needles that are simultaneously deployed. They deliver a precise dose of radiofrequency energy directly into the dermis.
The result? Noticeable face lift-like result without the surgery.
Who is it for?
People who want a face lift but do not want surgery
People that desire a younger appearance
Conditions Treated
Sagging skin
Neck (loose skin and fatty deposits)
Profound® RF Clinical Results


After (2 months post 1 treatment)
Photos Courtesy of Steve Eubanks, M.D.


After (6 months post 1 treatment)
Photos Courtesy of Macrene Alexiadies, M.D.


After (3 months post 1 treatment)
Photos Courtesy of Macrene Alexiadies, M.D.