Platelet Rich Plasma, also known as PRP is a relatively new regenerative, cell-based therapy that uses one’s own platelets (cells in your body) to support the natural healing process.
Hair Restoration
PRP can be used for androgenetic hair loss and/or thinning. The PRP is injected into the scalp and contains growth factors that are responsible for supporting hair follicles and maintaining the anagen phase of the hair cycle. It improves hair density, diameter and ratio.
Facial Rejuvenation
PRP has beneficial effects on fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, skin texture, stretch marks and surgical scars. By microneedling it into the skin, PRP has properties to accelerate healing, tissue growth and the generation of hyaluronic acid. It stimulates collagen and elastin production in the underlying layers of the skin to promote a smoother, plump, more youthful and radiant appearance.